Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, or S.L.A.A., is a Twelve-Step, Twelve-Tradition oriented Fellowship for anyone who suffers from an addictive compulsion to engage in or avoid sex, love, or emotional attachment. Members of S.L.A.A., regardless of gender identify or sexual orientation, are united in a common focus: dealing with our addictive sexual and emotional behavior.


Am I sex and love addict?

If you suspect you may be struggling with sex and love addiction the 40 Questions for Self-Diagnosis  may help. These questions are offered only to help you spot common attributes of sex and love addiction and are not a designed to deliver a sure-fire diagnosis. Also, the Twelve Characteristics of Sex and Love Addiction are often helpful to newcomers. Members of our Fellowship often identify with one or more of these characteristics.

What it means to be a member of S.L.A.A.

There are no dues or fees for attendance or membership. Meetings expenses are covered by voluntary contributions of attendees. A person becomes a member of S.L.A.A. when they decide they are and may end or restart their membership at any time. There are no membership lists or obligations to register or sign any types of documents. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. Newcomers are invited to attend a handful of different S.L.A.A. meetings before deciding if this program is right for them.

What happens during a meeting?

Members are given an opportunity to share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from sex and love addiction. These meetings have different formats. There are topic meetings, where members share on topics of interest to the group. Meditation meetings usually include a period of meditation during the meeting. At a step study meetings members read from the literature of our program and then discuss the steps that are our program of recovery. A speaker meeting is when a member shares their story as it related to their addiction and recovery.

To keep meetings a safe place for everyone, many have a rule of no cross-talk. Cross-talk includes talking about what another person has said, interrupting, or having conversations on the side. Silent, respectful listening provides a space where individuals can share without fear of interruption or judgement.

While sharing is usually open to everyone attending a meeting, individuals are not required to share. It is common for newcomers to S.L.A.A. to silently listen during their first meeting or couple of meetings as they try to relate to what they are hearing.


Anonymity is considered a spiritual foundation in S.L.A.A. Members are required to keep in confidence what was spoken at a meeting. Many meetings include a reading reminding the group that “who you see here, and what you hear here, please let it stay here.”

Ready to learn more?

¿Necesita información en español? Vea nuestros documentos principales en español.

Curious about sex and love addiction? Read about this disease.

Want to find a meeting? View our meeting list.

Need more help? Contact us through our email or telephone Helplines.